Tag Archives: Cantinetta Luca

Phebruary Phorgiveness?

18 May

Is bloggers rehab a thing, because based upon how severely I phell off the blogging wagon, I think I’m a prime candidate.

So until I phind myself a place to check in, I’m voluntarily leading myself through some of the steps… primarily admitting my wrongdoings and making amends to those of you who have continued to phollow me (amazingly despite my hiatus, I’ve gained phollowers and continue to have visitors to the site regularly, so thanks dudes!)  Moral of the story: now is the time if you ever wanted something of me… ask away!

Looking back to Phebruary, which seems like an eternity ago, is an intriguing juxtaposition of painful and positive.  I attempted to restart the ever so popular Bridesmaids Diet with marginal success.  Life threw some curve balls my way, and being the queen of eating my pheelings, I didn’t want to let my subjects down.  It’s phunny in a “I just laughed at something so inappropriate that I am certain I’ve just solidified my ticket to Hell” sort of a way, that when it rains, it truly does pour… and in this example, when I say “rain”, I’m talking about the piles of crap that rained down upon me- personally, professionally and whatever other -ally you can imagine.

That being said, it’s now May and I’m in one piece, so I should shut my mouth and appreciate what I am sure were some very “character-building” experiences.

Euphemistic statements aside, let’s talk phood!

There were some rather hefty indulgences around Valentine’s Day, a long weekend Monterey and when Dainty came to visit.  Lent came around and this year, I decided on giving up artificial sweetener.  That was painful yet positive, I must say!  We phrequented a phew restaurants in the Davis/Sacramento area that were exciting (Bistro Michel, Buckhorn Steakhouse, Magpie Cafe, Paesanos, DeVere’s Irish Pub, Our House and Osteria Fasulo) and phound a phew phailures (Ludy’s BBQ, City Tavern and a thrilling highly anticipated breakfast at Delta of Venus… that took an hour to acquire).  We went hog wild on our trip to Monterey, sharing meals at Carmel Valley Ranch, Bistro Moulin, Cannery Row Brewing Company, Happy Girl Kitchen, MYO, Cantinetta Luca, Jeffrey’s (needed my benny phix) and From Scratch, with a phabulous assortments of phriends (shout out to Work BFF, Sexy Mexican, Pops and Mommy Dearest and the whole pham damily all at the same table, RIT, Camelle and my phavorite ex-boss and her lovely husband).  That weekend was topped off with a trip to my phavorite chain restaurant indulgence- The Olive Garden.

Don’t judge me, we all have one.

In happy news, I am currently unemployed.  Ok, not really, but I am a temporary woman of leisure for the next two weeks as I regroup in between a job that was my equivalent of a square peg and an amazing new job that I’ll be telling you more about as the posts get up to datw.  Hence why blogger’s rehab starts today.  I’m hoping I’ll be cured in record time.

Do y’all phorgive me?

August Rush

20 Sep


One upon a time, there was a girl with a blog.  She loved the blog very, very much and looked phorward to working on it each day.  Then her life turned upside down, and she began to neglect the blog.

See, one could blame The Phella, partially, because by getting back together, that put moving into the works.  Moving requires a lot- job searching, house searching, purging, packing, pharewelling… you get the picture.

THEN you actually phind all those things and actually move… and that leads to not having internet.  And that, my phriends, makes blogging rather difficult.

So where does that put us, you ask?  It puts us in Davis (well, San Diego at this exact moment visiting phriends before having to return to a horribly disorganized, half unpacked, very small and oven-less house in Davis) with lots of catching up to do.

Below is August 1 through August 27.  I saved the rest of the month for its own post because of an amazing themed birthday party I went to where the phood most certainly warranted its own post.

And hopefully, by the end of this week, we’ll be back in real time.  And we can explore the culinary options available to an oven-less Davis neophyte such as myself…

Bite the Bullet Blitzkrieg (July 18-29)

5 Sep

Time to bite the bullet and legitimately catch up, phollowers!

Below is a gallery of everything consumed between July 18 and July 29.  Each has a brief descriptor attached to it, but pheel phree to comment if you have any questions.  My apologies to the wonderful phoodie sidekicks who did not get mentioned due to my extreme behindedness.  Let it be known that those I choose to dine with (and those that are kind/crazy enough to choose to dine with me) are phabulous pholks!

More coming right up!

Cupcake Phiesta

21 Aug

July 8…

Leftover sando for breakfast before a big event for the kids at work…

I didn’t actually eat this cupcake, but I was in charge of the cupcake decorating activity at our picnic and was proud of the sample I created. 🙂

I phelt the need to taste test some of the decorations just to be on the safe side.

And in trying to prove a point with a kid that it’s ok to think outside the box when it comes to peanut butter sandos, I ended up eating this…

…and made myself a real sando after the event was over.

I threw in a phew Red Vines for good measure!

Since I had a bunch of decorations left over, I was inspired to make these cupcakes for a phriend’s birthday party that night.

At the party, I nibbled on a phew chips…

…and peanuts…

… and made “dinner” out of some hand-delivered bread sticks from Cantinetta Luca.

I’ve never tried crack cocaine, but I’m pretty sure the addictive quality is quite similar to that of those bread sticks…