Tag Archives: English Ales Brewery

The Eighth Wonder of the World

29 Apr

Phriday morning possessed no willpower whatsoever, hence why I consumed this highly delicious bran muffin from Peninsula Pastries in its entirety.

I met a phellow for lunch at English Ales Brewery in Marina and indulged in a Dragonslayer IPA and an order of their decadently phried wings.

I did the whole dinner thing in reverse- drinking phirst and eating second.  Not always the best choice, but I enjoyed myself!

The only beverage worth documenting from the evening was the Midas Touch (or “chick beer” as I renamed it).  Phreaking phabulous balance between beer and mead with an awesomely high alcohol content.  Yes, please!

In pursuit of one of my most phavorite joys in life, the phellow I went out with treated me to two delectable slices of pizza at Bellagio Pizzeria.

Anyone who ever tries to claim that tipsy pizza is NOT the eighth wonder of the world can see me after class.

That being said, tipsy pizza does not lend itself well to phoodfoto documentation… but trust me when I say it was wondrous!